an alternative GATT/BLE implementation
►Nbluetoe | |
►Nbas | |
Chandler | Pass a handler to the service |
Cno_battery_level_notifications | Indicates no support for battery level notifications |
►Nbootloader | |
Cbootloader_handler_prototype | Prototype for a handler, that adapts the bootloader service to the actual hardware |
Chandler | Requireded parameter to define, how the bootloader can access memory and flash |
Cmemory_region | Denoting a memory range with it's start address and endaddress (exklusive) |
Cpage_size | Required parameter to define the size of a page |
Cwhite_list | List of all memory regions that are flashable by the bootloader |
►Ncsc | |
Ccrank_revolution_data_supported | |
Chandler | Parameter that adds, how the CSC service implementation gets the data needed |
Cwheel_revolution_data_supported | Denotes, that the csc service provides wheel revolution data |
►Ndis | |
Cieee_11073_20601_regulatory_certification_data_list | |
Csystem_id | |
►Nhci | |
Clink_layer | Link layer implementation based on HCI |
►Nhci_details | |
Clibsub_transport | |
►Nl2cap | |
Cno_signaling_channel | Signaling channel implementations that does simply nothing |
Csignaling_channel | Very basic l2cap signaling channel implementation |
►Nlink_layer | |
Caddress | 48-bit universal LAN MAC address |
Cadvertising_interval | Advertising interval in ms in the range 20ms to 10.24s |
Call_advertising_channel_map | Channel map that contains all three advertising channels |
Cauto_start_advertising | If this options is given to the link layer, the link layer will start to advertise automatically, when started or when disconnected |
Cbuffer_sizes | Defines link layer transmit and receive buffer sizes |
Cchannel_map | Map that keeps track of the list of used channels and calculates the next channel based on the last used channel |
Cconnectable_directed_advertising | Enables low duty connectable directed advertising |
Cconnectable_undirected_advertising | Enables connectable undirected advertising |
Cconnection_addresses | Local and remote address of a connection |
Cconnection_callbacks | Type and an instance to call connection related callbacks on |
Cconnection_details | Data type to store details of an established link layer connection |
Cconnection_event_callback | Install a callback that will be called, when a connection event happened |
Cconnection_event_events | Set of events, that could have happend during a connection event |
Cdefault_pdu_layout | Implements a PDU layout, where in memory and over the air layout are equal |
Cdelta_time | Positiv time quantum used to express distance in time |
Cdesired_connection_parameters | Static, desired connection parameters |
Cdevice_address | Data type containing a device address and the address type (public or random) |
Clink_layer | Link layer implementation |
Cll_data_pdu_buffer | Ring buffers for ingoing and outgoing LL Data PDUs |
Cll_l2cap_sdu_buffer | Buffer responsible for fragment or defragment L2CAP SDUs |
Cno_auto_start_advertising | If this options is given to the link layer, the link layer will not start to advertise automatically, when started or when disconnected |
Cno_check_synchronized_connection_event_callback | No compiler time parameter check |
Cno_synchronized_connection_event_callback | Do not user synchronized connection event callbacks |
Cno_white_list | No white list in the link layer |
Cnon_connectable_undirected_advertising | Enables non-connectable undirected advertising |
Cpdu_layout | Type that provides types and functions to access the differnt parts of a receiving PDU |
Cpdu_layout_by_radio | Type to associate a radio implementation with the corresponding layout |
Cpdu_ring_buffer | Structure, able to store variable sized link layer PDUs in a fixed size ring |
Cperipheral_latency_configuration | Defines a peripheral configuration to be used by the link layer |
Cperipheral_latency_configuration_set | Allows the peripheral latency configuration to be changed at runtime between a given set of configurations |
Cpublic_device_address | Data type containing a public device address |
Crandom_device_address | Data type containing a random device address |
Crandom_static_address | Defines that the device will use a static random address |
Cranged_check_synchronized_connection_event_callback | If this parameter is given to the link layer, some compile time checks are done |
Cread_buffer | Type suitable to store the location and size of a chunk of memory that can be used to receive from the radio |
Cscannable_undirected_advertising | Enables scannable undirected advertising |
Cscheduled_radio | Type responsible for radio I/O and timing |
Cscheduled_radio_with_encryption | Extension of a scheduled_radio with functions to support encryption |
Csleep_clock_accuracy_ppm | Defines the sleep clock accuracy of the device hardware |
Cstatic_address | Defines a defined static random address |
Csynchronized_connection_event_callback | Install a callback that will be called with a maximum period synchronized to the connection events of established connections |
Cvariable_advertising_channel_map | Adds the abillity to set a channel map for advertising |
Cvariable_advertising_interval | Adds the abillity to change the advertising interval |
Cwhite_list | Adds a white list to the link layer with white list related functions |
Cwrite_buffer | Type suitable to store the location and size of a chunk of memory that can be used to transmit to the radio |
►Nnrf | Namespace with nRF51/52 specific configuration options |
►Nnrf_details | |
Chfxo_startup_time_meta_type | |
Cleave_run_on_interrupt_type | |
Cradio_option_meta_type | |
Csleep_clock_source_meta_type | |
Ccalibrated_rc_sleep_clock | Configure the low frequency clock to run from the RC oscilator |
Chigh_frequency_crystal_oscillator_startup_time | Configure the high frequency crystal oscillator startup time |
Cleave_run_on_interrupt | Configures the radio::run() function to return on every interrupt |
Csleep_clock_crystal_oscillator | Configure the low frequency clock to be sourced from a crystal oscilator |
Csynthesized_sleep_clock | Configure the low frequency clock to be sourced out of the high frequency clock |
Cadvertise_appearance | Add the appearance of the device to the advertising data |
Cappearance | Enumeration of appearances ( |
Cattribute_handle | Define the first attribute handle used by a characteristic or service |
Cattribute_handles | Define the attributes handles for the characteristic declaration, characteristic value and optional, for a Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor |
Cauto_advertising_data | |
Cauto_scan_response_data | Options, that allows Bluetoe to create the scan response data |
Cbind_characteristic_value | Very simple device to bind a characteristic to a global variable to provide access to the characteristic value |
Cbonding_data_base | Access to a user defined key data base |
Ccharacteristic | A characteristic is a typed value that is accessable by a GATT client hosted by a GATT server |
Ccharacteristic_name | Adds a name to characteristic |
Ccharacteristic_uuid | 128-Bit UUID used to identify a characteristic |
Ccharacteristic_uuid16 | 16-Bit UUID used to identify a characteristic |
Cclient_characteristic_configuration_update_callback | Callback to be called, if the client characteristic configuration has changed or was written |
Cconnection_security_attributes | Basic security attributes of a connection |
Ccstring_value | Constant string characteristic with the value Name |
Ccstring_wrapper | Constant string characteristic value |
Ccustom_advertising_data | Data to be advertised |
Ccustom_scan_response_data | Data to be use in response to a scan request |
Ccycling_speed_and_cadence_handler_prototype | Prototype for an interface type |
Cdescriptor | User defined descriptor |
Cdevice_appearance | Type to keep a bluetoe::appearance value |
Cenable_bonding | Requests bonding during pairing |
Cenable_keypress_notifications | Set the MITM flag in the Authentication requirements flags of the pairing response |
Cextend_server | Adds additional options to a given server definition |
Cextend_server< server< ServerOptions... >, Options... > | |
Cfixed_blob_value | A fixed length and fixed value, read-only characteristic value |
Cfixed_value | Characteristic with a fixed, read-only value |
Cfree_raw_write_handler | Binds a free function as a write handler for the given characteristic |
Cfree_read_blob_handler | Binds a free function as a read handler for the given characteristic |
Cfree_read_handler | Binds a free function as a read handler for the given characteristic |
Cfree_write_blob_handler | Binds a free function as a write handler for the given characteristic |
Cfree_write_handler | Binds a free function as a write handler for the given characteristic |
Cgap_service_for_gatt_servers | Used as a parameter to a server, to define that the GATT server will include a GAP service for GATT servers |
Chigher_outgoing_priority | Defines priorities of notified or indicated characteristics |
Cinclude_service | Includes an other service into the defined service |
Cinclude_service< service_uuid16< UUID > > | |
Cinclude_service< service_uuid< A, B, C, D, E > > | |
Cindicate | Adds the ability to indicate this characteristic |
Cindicate_on_subscription | Queues a indication of a characteristic as soon, as it was configured for indication |
Cis_secondary_service | Modifier that defines a service to be a secondary service |
Clegacy_security_manager | A Security manager implementation that supports legacy pairing |
Clesc_security_manager | A Security manager that implements only LESC pairing |
Clist_of_128_bit_service_uuids | |
Clist_of_16_bit_service_uuids | Complete / incomplete list of 16 bit service UUIDs to be added to the advertising data |
Clower_outgoing_priority | Defines priorities of notified or indicated characteristics |
Cmax_mtu_size | Define the maximum GATT MTU size to be used |
Cmay_require_encryption | Defines that a characteristic may require encyption |
Cmixin | Class to be mixed into the server instance |
Cmixin_read_blob_handler | |
Cmixin_read_handler | |
Cmixin_write_blob_handler | |
Cmixin_write_handler | |
Cmixin_write_indication_control_point_handler | Characteristic value binding for a control point |
Cmixin_write_notification_control_point_handler | Characteristic value binding for a control point |
Cno_encryption_required | Defines that access to characteristic(s) does not require an encrypted link |
Cno_gap_service_for_gatt_servers | Used as a parameter to a server, to define that the GATT server will not include a GAP service for GATT servers |
Cno_list_of_service_uuids | |
Cno_read_access | If added as option to a characteristic, read access is removed from the characteristic |
Cno_security_manager | Implementation of the security manager, that actievly rejects every pairing attempt |
Cno_write_access | If added as option to a characteristic, write access is removed from the characteristic |
Cnotification_queue | Class responsible to keep track of those characteristics that have outstanding notifications or indications |
Cnotify | Adds the ability to notify this characteristic |
Cnotify_on_subscription | Queues a notification of a characteristic as soon, as it was configured for notification |
Conly_write_without_response | Set only the Write Without Response Characteristic Property bit |
Coob_authentication_callback | Interface to provide OOB data to the pairing process |
Cpairing_allow_just_works | Mark that "just works" pairing is accepted, even when the device have IO capabilities to exchange a pass key |
Cpairing_keyboard | Device has a numeric keyboard that can input the numbers '0' to '9' and a confirmation |
Cpairing_no_input | Defines that the device has no way to receive input from the user during pairing |
Cpairing_no_just_works | Mark that "just works" pairing is not acceptable |
Cpairing_no_output | Defines that the device has no means to output a numeric value |
Cpairing_numeric_output | Device has a mean to output the 6 digit pass key used during the pairing process |
Cpairing_yes_no | Device has at least two buttons that can be easily mapped to 'yes' and 'no' or the device has a mechanism whereby the user can indicate either 'yes' or 'no' |
Cpairing_yes_no_response | Interface that can be stored to provide response to a yes_no question asynchronously |
Cperipheral_connection_interval_range | Add peripheral connection interval range to advertising data |
Cread_blob_handler | |
Cread_blob_handler_c | |
Cread_blob_handler_cv | |
Cread_blob_handler_v | |
Cread_handler | |
Cread_handler_c | |
Cread_handler_cv | |
Cread_handler_v | |
Crequire_man_in_the_middle_protection | Set the MITM flag in the Authentication requirements flags of the pairing response |
Crequires_encryption | Defines that access to characteristic(s) require an encrypted link without MITM Protection |
Cruntime_custom_advertising_data | Data to be advertised at runtime |
Cruntime_custom_scan_response_data | Option, that allows to define the scan response data at runtime |
Csecondary_service | Definition of a secondary service |
Csecurity_manager | A security manager that implpementes the full set of pairing methods (Legacy and LESC) |
Csensor_location | Enumeration of sensor_location (org.bluetooth.characteristic.sensor_location) |
Csensor_location_tag | Type to keep a bluetoe::location value |
►Cserver | Root of the declaration of a GATT server |
Cconnection_data | Per connection data |
Cserver_name | Adds a discoverable device name |
Cservice | Service with zero or more characteristics |
Cservice_name | |
Cservice_uuid | 128-Bit UUID used to identify a service |
Cservice_uuid16 | 16-Bit UUID used to identify a service |
Cshared_write_queue | Defines a write queue size that is shared among all connected clients |
Cstart_handle | Value of the first attribute handle used in a service or characteristic |
Cwrite_blob_handler | |
Cwrite_blob_handler_c | |
Cwrite_blob_handler_cv | |
Cwrite_blob_handler_v | |
Cwrite_handler | |
Cwrite_handler_c | |
Cwrite_handler_cv | |
Cwrite_handler_v | |
Cwrite_without_response | Sets the Write Without Response Characteristic Property bit |