an alternative GATT/BLE implementation
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::address48-bit universal LAN MAC address
 Cbluetoe::advertise_appearanceAdd the appearance of the device to the advertising data
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::advertising_interval< AdvertisingIntervalMilliSeconds, typename >Advertising interval in ms in the range 20ms to 10.24s
 Cbluetoe::appearanceEnumeration of appearances (
 Cbluetoe::attribute_handle< AttributeHandleValue >Define the first attribute handle used by a characteristic or service
 Cbluetoe::attribute_handles< Declaration, Value, CCCD >Define the attributes handles for the characteristic declaration, characteristic value and optional, for a Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor
 Cbluetoe::auto_scan_response_dataOptions, that allows Bluetoe to create the scan response data
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::auto_start_advertisingIf this options is given to the link layer, the link layer will start to advertise automatically, when started or when disconnected
 Cbluetoe::bind_characteristic_value< T, Ptr >Very simple device to bind a characteristic to a global variable to provide access to the characteristic value
 Cbluetoe::bonding_data_base< Obj, obj >Access to a user defined key data base
 Cbluetoe::bootloader::bootloader_handler_prototypePrototype for a handler, that adapts the bootloader service to the actual hardware
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::buffer_sizes< TransmitSize, ReceiveSize >Defines link layer transmit and receive buffer sizes
 Cbluetoe::nrf::calibrated_rc_sleep_clockConfigure the low frequency clock to run from the RC oscilator
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::channel_mapMap that keeps track of the list of used channels and calculates the next channel based on the last used channel
 Cbluetoe::characteristic< Options >A characteristic is a typed value that is accessable by a GATT client hosted by a GATT server
 Cbluetoe::characteristic_name< const >Adds a name to characteristic
 Cbluetoe::client_characteristic_configuration_update_callback< T, Obj >Callback to be called, if the client characteristic configuration has changed or was written
 Cbluetoe::details::client_characteristic_configurations< number_of_client_configs >
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::connectable_directed_advertisingEnables low duty connectable directed advertising
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::connectable_undirected_advertisingEnables connectable undirected advertising
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::connection_addressesLocal and remote address of a connection
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::connection_callbacks< T, Obj >Type and an instance to call connection related callbacks on
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::connection_detailsData type to store details of an established link layer connection
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::connection_event_callback< T, Obj, RequiredTimeMS >Install a callback that will be called, when a connection event happened
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::connection_event_eventsSet of events, that could have happend during a connection event
 Cbluetoe::connection_security_attributesBasic security attributes of a connection
 Cbluetoe::cstring_wrapper< Text >Constant string characteristic value
 Cbluetoe::cstring_wrapper< cstring_value< Name > >
 Cbluetoe::cstring_wrapper< fixed_blob_value< Value, Size > >
 Cbluetoe::custom_advertising_data< Size, Data >Data to be advertised
 Cbluetoe::custom_scan_response_data< Size, Data >Data to be use in response to a scan request
 Cbluetoe::cycling_speed_and_cadence_handler_prototypePrototype for an interface type
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::delta_timePositiv time quantum used to express distance in time
 Cbluetoe::details::derive_from< details::collect_mixins< Options... >::type >
 Cbluetoe::details::derive_from< std::tuple< Channels... > >
 Cbluetoe::descriptor< UUID, Value, Size >User defined descriptor
 Cbluetoe::device_appearance< A >Type to keep a bluetoe::appearance value
 Cbluetoe::enable_bondingRequests bonding during pairing
 Cbluetoe::enable_keypress_notificationsSet the MITM flag in the Authentication requirements flags of the pairing response
 Cbluetoe::extend_server< Server, Options >Adds additional options to a given server definition
 Cbluetoe::fixed_value< T, Value >Characteristic with a fixed, read-only value
 Cbluetoe::gap_service_for_gatt_serversUsed as a parameter to a server, to define that the GATT server will include a GAP service for GATT servers
 Cbluetoe::bas::handler< Handler >Pass a handler to the service
 Cbluetoe::bootloader::handler< UserHandler >Requireded parameter to define, how the bootloader can access memory and flash
 Cbluetoe::csc::handler< Handler >Parameter that adds, how the CSC service implementation gets the data needed
 Cbluetoe::nrf::high_frequency_crystal_oscillator_startup_time< StartupTimeMicroSeconds >Configure the high frequency crystal oscillator startup time
 Cbluetoe::higher_outgoing_priority< UUIDs >Defines priorities of notified or indicated characteristics
 Cbluetoe::dis::ieee_11073_20601_regulatory_certification_data_list< Value >
 Cbluetoe::include_service< UUID >Includes an other service into the defined service
 Cbluetoe::include_service< service_uuid16< UUID > >
 Cbluetoe::include_service< service_uuid< A, B, C, D, E > >
 Cbluetoe::indicateAdds the ability to indicate this characteristic
 Cbluetoe::indicate_on_subscriptionQueues a indication of a characteristic as soon, as it was configured for indication
 Cbluetoe::is_secondary_serviceModifier that defines a service to be a secondary service
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::details::layout_base< default_pdu_layout >
 Cbluetoe::nrf::leave_run_on_interruptConfigures the radio::run() function to return on every interrupt
 Cbluetoe::legacy_security_managerA Security manager implementation that supports legacy pairing
 Cbluetoe::lesc_security_managerA Security manager that implements only LESC pairing
 Cbluetoe::hci_details::libsub_transport< LinkLayer >
 Cbluetoe::list_of_128_bit_service_uuids< UUID128 >
 Cbluetoe::list_of_16_bit_service_uuids< UUID16 >Complete / incomplete list of 16 bit service UUIDs to be added to the advertising data
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::ll_data_pdu_buffer< TransmitSize, ReceiveSize, Radio >Ring buffers for ingoing and outgoing LL Data PDUs
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::ll_data_pdu_buffer< TransmitSize, ReceiveSize, nrf52_radio< TransmitSize, ReceiveSize, false, CallBacks, Hardware, RadioOptions... > >
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::ll_data_pdu_buffer< TransmitSize, ReceiveSize, nrf52_radio< TransmitSize, ReceiveSize, true, CallBacks, Hardware, RadioOptions... > >
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::ll_data_pdu_buffer< TransmitSize, ReceiveSize, scheduled_radio< TransmitSize, ReceiveSize, CallBack > >
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::ll_data_pdu_buffer< TransmitSize, ReceiveSize, scheduled_radio< TransmitSize, ReceiveSize, CallBack, Base > >
 Cbluetoe::lower_outgoing_priority< UUIDs >Defines priorities of notified or indicated characteristics
 Cbluetoe::max_mtu_size< MaxMTU >Define the maximum GATT MTU size to be used
 Cbluetoe::may_require_encryptionDefines that a characteristic may require encyption
 Cbluetoe::bootloader::memory_region< Start, End >Denoting a memory range with it's start address and endaddress (exklusive)
 Cbluetoe::mixin< T >Class to be mixed into the server instance
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::no_auto_start_advertisingIf this options is given to the link layer, the link layer will not start to advertise automatically, when started or when disconnected
 Cbluetoe::bas::no_battery_level_notificationsIndicates no support for battery level notifications
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::no_check_synchronized_connection_event_callbackNo compiler time parameter check
 Cbluetoe::no_encryption_requiredDefines that access to characteristic(s) does not require an encrypted link
 Cbluetoe::no_gap_service_for_gatt_serversUsed as a parameter to a server, to define that the GATT server will not include a GAP service for GATT servers
 Cbluetoe::no_read_accessIf added as option to a characteristic, read access is removed from the characteristic
 Cbluetoe::no_security_managerImplementation of the security manager, that actievly rejects every pairing attempt
 Cbluetoe::l2cap::no_signaling_channelSignaling channel implementations that does simply nothing
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::no_synchronized_connection_event_callbackDo not user synchronized connection event callbacks
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::no_white_listNo white list in the link layer
 Cbluetoe::no_write_accessIf added as option to a characteristic, write access is removed from the characteristic
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::non_connectable_undirected_advertisingEnables non-connectable undirected advertising
 Cbluetoe::details::notification_queue_impl_base< Sizes, 0 >
 Cbluetoe::notifyAdds the ability to notify this characteristic
 Cbluetoe::notify_on_subscriptionQueues a notification of a characteristic as soon, as it was configured for notification
 Cbluetoe::only_write_without_responseSet only the Write Without Response Characteristic Property bit
 Cbluetoe::oob_authentication_callback< T, Obj >Interface to provide OOB data to the pairing process
 Cbluetoe::bootloader::page_size< PageSize >Required parameter to define the size of a page
 Cbluetoe::pairing_allow_just_worksMark that "just works" pairing is accepted, even when the device have IO capabilities to exchange a pass key
 Cbluetoe::pairing_keyboard< T, Obj >Device has a numeric keyboard that can input the numbers '0' to '9' and a confirmation
 Cbluetoe::pairing_no_inputDefines that the device has no way to receive input from the user during pairing
 Cbluetoe::pairing_no_just_worksMark that "just works" pairing is not acceptable
 Cbluetoe::pairing_no_outputDefines that the device has no means to output a numeric value
 Cbluetoe::pairing_numeric_output< T, Obj >Device has a mean to output the 6 digit pass key used during the pairing process
 Cbluetoe::pairing_yes_no< T, Obj >Device has at least two buttons that can be easily mapped to 'yes' and 'no' or the device has a mechanism whereby the user can indicate either 'yes' or 'no'
 Cbluetoe::pairing_yes_no_responseInterface that can be stored to provide response to a yes_no question asynchronously
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::pdu_layoutType that provides types and functions to access the differnt parts of a receiving PDU
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::pdu_layout_by_radio< Radio >Type to associate a radio implementation with the corresponding layout
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::pdu_ring_buffer< Size, Buffer, Layout >Structure, able to store variable sized link layer PDUs in a fixed size ring
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::pdu_ring_buffer< ReceiveSize, bluetoe::link_layer::read_buffer, layout >
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::pdu_ring_buffer< TransmitSize, bluetoe::link_layer::read_buffer, layout >
 Cbluetoe::peripheral_connection_interval_range< MinInterval, MaxInterval, typename >Add peripheral connection interval range to advertising data
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::peripheral_latency_configuration< Options >Defines a peripheral configuration to be used by the link layer
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::peripheral_latency_configuration_set< Configurations >Allows the peripheral latency configuration to be changed at runtime between a given set of configurations
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::details::peripheral_latency_state< Options >Book keeping for the current / next connection event
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::random_static_addressDefines that the device will use a static random address
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::ranged_check_synchronized_connection_event_callback< ExpectedMinimumInterval_US >If this parameter is given to the link layer, some compile time checks are done
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::read_bufferType suitable to store the location and size of a chunk of memory that can be used to receive from the radio
 Cbluetoe::require_man_in_the_middle_protectionSet the MITM flag in the Authentication requirements flags of the pairing response
 Cbluetoe::requires_encryptionDefines that access to characteristic(s) require an encrypted link without MITM Protection
 Cbluetoe::runtime_custom_advertising_dataData to be advertised at runtime
 Cbluetoe::runtime_custom_scan_response_dataOption, that allows to define the scan response data at runtime
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::scannable_undirected_advertisingEnables scannable undirected advertising
 Cbluetoe::security_managerA security manager that implpementes the full set of pairing methods (Legacy and LESC)
 Cbluetoe::sensor_locationEnumeration of sensor_location (org.bluetooth.characteristic.sensor_location)
 Cbluetoe::sensor_location_tag< L >Type to keep a bluetoe::location value
 Cbluetoe::server_name< Name >Adds a discoverable device name
 Cbluetoe::service< Options >Service with zero or more characteristics
 Cbluetoe::service< Options..., is_secondary_service >
 Cbluetoe::service_name< const >
 Cbluetoe::service_uuid< A, B, C, D, E >128-Bit UUID used to identify a service
 Cbluetoe::service_uuid16< UUID >16-Bit UUID used to identify a service
 Cbluetoe::shared_write_queue< S >Defines a write queue size that is shared among all connected clients
 Cbluetoe::l2cap::signaling_channel< Options >Very basic l2cap signaling channel implementation
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::sleep_clock_accuracy_ppm< SleepClockAccuracyPPM, typename >Defines the sleep clock accuracy of the device hardware
 Cbluetoe::nrf::sleep_clock_crystal_oscillatorConfigure the low frequency clock to be sourced from a crystal oscilator
 Cbluetoe::start_handle< Handle >Value of the first attribute handle used in a service or characteristic
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::static_address< A, B, C, D, E, F >Defines a defined static random address
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::synchronized_connection_event_callback< T, Obj, MaximumPeriodUS, PhaseShiftUS, MaximumExecutionTimeUS >Install a callback that will be called with a maximum period synchronized to the connection events of established connections
 Cbluetoe::nrf::synthesized_sleep_clockConfigure the low frequency clock to be sourced out of the high frequency clock
 Cbluetoe::dis::system_id< ManufacturerIdentifier, OrganizationallyUniqueIdentifier >
 Cbluetoe::details::uuid< A, B, C, D, E, typename >128-Bit UUID
 Cbluetoe::details::uuid16< UUID, typename >16-Bit UUID
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::variable_advertising_intervalAdds the abillity to change the advertising interval
 Cbluetoe::csc::wheel_revolution_data_supportedDenotes, that the csc service provides wheel revolution data
 Cbluetoe::bootloader::white_list< Regions >List of all memory regions that are flashable by the bootloader
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::white_list< Size >Adds a white list to the link layer with white list related functions
 Cbluetoe::link_layer::write_bufferType suitable to store the location and size of a chunk of memory that can be used to transmit to the radio
 Cbluetoe::details::write_queue< details::find_by_meta_type< details::write_queue_meta_type, Options... >::type >
 Cbluetoe::write_without_responseSets the Write Without Response Characteristic Property bit